Monday, 17 December 2012

Is cheese healthy? Food fight answers

Pros: Say Cheese!
Cheese packs nine essential nutrients, including calcium, into a tiny wedge.
The most consumed cheeses in Canada are cheddar and mozzarella. A 50-g hunk of cheddar contains a whopping 361 mg of calcium. That beats the 320 mg of calcium in a cup of milk, and is roughly 36 per cent of an adult’s daily calcium requirement, according to Heidi Boyd, registered dietitian with the Dairy Farmers of Canada.
It’s also a great source of protein. One serving of cheddar contains about 12 g of protein, not a lot less than the same amount of T-bone steak, which contains approximately 15 g of protein.
Cheese is a significant source of vitamin A, which is vital for bone and tooth development, vision at night, healthy skin and hair.
It’s high in phosphorus, which promotes bone and tooth health, vitamin B12, which aids in red blood cell formation and zinc, which helps form our bones and tissues and convert food into energy. And it’s a source of potassium, which helps lower our blood pressure and improves muscle function.
And there’s good news for the lactose intolerant. The amount of lactose varies from cheese to cheese — brie, mozzarella, aged cheddar, parmesan and Swiss contain only trace amounts.
Cons: Give it to the mouse
Cheese can be very high in fat. Consuming half a small wheel of brie, which is often 50 per cent fat, is equivalent to consuming half a stick of butter, says registered dietitian Shauna Lindzon.
No matter which way you slice it, most cheese is also high in sodium, which can raise blood pressure, and saturated fat, which can raise blood cholesterol levels, Lindzon says.
But studies also show that despite those individual issues, people who eat cheese have a lower risk of heart disease, stroke and cardiovascular events.
Beware of processed cheese, which can have added fat, salt, chemicals and be of dubious quality.
And pregnant woman should avoid unpasteurized cheeses.
Bottom Line
Indulge! Cheese is nutritious. But a little goes a long way.
Cheese, despite all that’s good about it, is still very fattening. Snack in small amounts, says Lindzon. Shred, melt and sprinkle your cheese to make a small hunk last longer. And try spicy varieties, such as jalapeno havarti, because the flavour punch makes you want to eat less.
Canada’s Food Guide recommends adults, aged 19 to 50, eat two servings of milk and alternatives a day, with a focus on lower-fat alternatives, like skim milk or light cheese.
In general, harder cheeses contain more calcium than softer varieties. And low fat options are healthier. Thanks to food technology, Lindzon says, low-fat cheese is tastier now than ever before.
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