(Image: The Real Jerk)
No Caribbean restaurant in Toronto has managed to attract quite as much press coverage as
The Real Jerk, whose scrappy story of a mom-and-pop shop
pushed out by a big, bad landlord
galvanized a tremendous amount of goodwill from the community. Now that they’re set to open a new location down the street from their old one, owners
Ed and
Lily Pottinger are hoping to monetize that sentiment to transplant the restaurant’s familiar smiling-sun mural. Or rather, an 18-by-12-foot photo of the mural, which will be installed in the new dining room, as shown above.
The procedure will cost $2,450, and like
quite a few Toronto restaurants, they’ve
turned to Indiegogo to try to raise the money from their fans. Perks for supporters range from a free appetizer (for a $15 contribution) up to a private, all-you-can-eat booking for 90 guests (for the full $2,450). The restaurant has already raised $451, and has 38 days left in its campaign. We’re betting they make it.
See their pitch [Indiegogo] »
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