Friday, 17 May 2013

The relationship between Food and Big Clothing Brands - closer than you think!

Social consciousness means looking at impact of all our actions on all things connected. There are so many interrelationships between food and fashion. The recent horror in Bangladesh which resulted in over 100 deaths and who knows how many injuries is just one example how we need to be more socially aware of the impact of our consumption patterns – food clothing cars and goods – and their the impact on others all around the globe. The relationship between food and fashion in no better exemplified than Loblaw’s and Jo Fresh, Walmart and its new grocery and organic section. 

 We need to be more critical of the clothes and food we buy and where we buy them from. What risks are these companies willing to take in order to get us the cheapest items we consume….think about your role in this tragedy and how you can influence the labour practices of Gap and Walmart who despite their role in their horrible disaster, will not sign an accord to help minimally improve the working conditions of their employees. How despicable!

 I say sham Shame SHAME to Walmart – who is a nasty corporation. Not only are they  polluting the world with their poor labour practices but now they are trying to get their foot into the food industry and claiming to sell organic products. No I don’t want to buy my groceries at your store and no I do not think its acceptable that you are LYING to avoid any level of accountability regarding the 1000 deaths in Bangladesh.  How disgusting – I am appalled !  
Gap – your brand is on the decline and I will be the first to say I DON’T WANT YOUR CHEAP CRAP – ITS COSTS TOO MUCH (IN HUMAN LIVES)

Big brands can prevent Bangladesh factory disasters. Why don’t they?
By Lynda Yanz
The Globe and Mail

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